Two hours via Zoom to refresh your style & wardrobe.

Bespoke Virtual styling wardrobe edit

We’ve all accumulated those “just in case” or “I might fit this again” items in our closet - to the point that we don’t even see anything any more!

As you may not be physically able to meet me for a standard Wardrobe Edit in Wellington, I have worked on this digital service to allow everyone to experience the power and satisfaction of a decluttered and brighter closet.

This Virtual Styling is about reassessing what needs to go, making those difficult garments work, creating new outfits, and finally - puzzling it all together. With a fresh and unbiased eye, I will help you to rebuild a usable wardrobe curated for your specific taste, identity and needs.


(+$99 per extra hour depending on the time of the call)


  • You are not physically able to meet me for a standard Wardrobe Edit.

  • You are returning to work after a long break or switching careers altogether and need a new look to match your new lifestyle.

  • You have, over the years, accumulated so many ‘good deals’, ‘shopping mistakes’ and old-trends regrets that getting ready in the morning has become stressful and confusing.

  • Your body has changed and you want to create a wardrobe that you look good and feel great in NOW.

  • You are at a stage where you want to redefine your own personal style and everyday look but feel reluctant to leave your comfort zone.

  • You are planning to do a seasonal wardrobe shopping session and don’t know what to prioritise.

  • You need a confidence boost and some guidance when thinking about the way you dress.


  1. Styling Questioner - I will need to have an understanding of your fashion history, your taste, and where would you like to see yourself going.

  2. The virtual session - We need to go step-by-step through all of your clothes to decide what’s worth keeping, holding, mending, selling or donating. I will help you create combinations that you wouldn’t have thought about, giving your good old favorites a second life. We can assess what suits you best and what may need a little extra styling to make it work.

  3. Follow up E-book - After our session, I will work on a personalised E-book summarising what we have talked about.

  4. Contact - Two weeks of ongoing access to WhatsApp daily style support - send me photos of different looks when trying something new to ask my advice live.


“I’m so thankful that Eugenie has this service as I currently live in Spain. I used to work by the sea, it was not hard to wear bikinis all day, I’m now working in an office and really needed help to build my new working style without breaking the bank. Very helpful advice, I’m having fun combining my own clothes, and I am glad to feel and look nice.”

— Clemence R. from Barcelona